Leaving Home cover

Leaving Earth

A new spaceship engine.
An accident in space.
A desperate attempt to save the world.

The first novel by Dan Adam. It was self-published through Amazon in November 2022.

Now available for purchase on Amazon. 

New Home

The fast-paced follow-up to the first novel, Leaving Earth which continues the adventure of the main characters from the first novel and answer the final questions that remain.

Mike and Gwen have crashed on an alien planet and have little hope for long-term survival. Exploring their surroundings reveals more questions than they ever thought possible. As they struggle to understand what they have found, the environment around them begins to fight back in terrifying ways, leaving them changed forever.

Now available for purchase on Amazon. 

The Rift

The Rift is the exciting conclusion of the Leaving Home Series. The story nearly 30 years after the events of Leaving Earth and follows a mission into space to investigate new findings of the Abernathy Anomaly and hopefully bring home the remnants of the ship and crew.

First draft completed 16 Dec 2023.
First round of edits completed 2 Jan 2024.
Beta-reading ongoing.

Projected release 1 May 2024.